Digital magazine
1 nov 2015 digitalmagazine, automatedlayout, template, publishing
Liif: Digital magazine publishing system
Magasiner der skal være digitale, bliver oftest betragtet som magasiner på papir. Der bruges måske digitale features såsom video, lyd og animationer, men magasinet bliver stadigt designet til et fast format – som sider til en enkelt skærmstørrelse. De bliver ofte også udviklet til et indkapslet filformat og distribueret i proprietære udgivelsessystemer. Websites bliver designet til at passe mange forskellige systemer og skærmstørrelser, men det gælder ikke rigtigt digitale magasiner.
Tanken bag Liif-projektet er at skabe magasindesign, der ikke er ét bestemt design, men en type design. Magasinet skal tilpasse sig læserens skærm, ikke bare ved at skalere sig, men ved hjælp af en intelligent (og delvist automatiseret) omstrukturering af indholdet. Samtidigt må det gerne tilbyde fornemmelsen af traditionelle magasinkvaliteter i hænderne på læseren. Magasinet bør være i et format som ikke kræver konstant zooming og panorering.
Ved at udnytte det browserbaserede internet kan man let at udgive magasiner som ikke er afhængige af et omkostningstungt udgivelsesapparat – ovenikøbet uden den risiko for at blive ramt af forskellige former for censurering som man har set ske i forbindelse med apps.
Digital magazine
Today magazines are considered as if they should be produced on paper. Of course using the digital possibilities as video, sound, animations and so forth, but the magazine is still designed in a fixed format, as pages for a certain screen size. Furthermore the magazines are being developed into closed file formats and distributed in proprietary distribution systems. While web sites today are created to fit to different devices and screen sizes, we don’t see the same tendency with magazines.
The intention here is therefore to create magazine designs that are not fixed, but appear as kinds of design: The magazine must adapt to reader’s screen, not by simply scaling, but by an intelligent (and partly automated) restructuring of the content, which support the sense of traditional qualities of the magazine as it is in the hand of the reader. The magazine must to be in a format that doesn’t require a perpetual zooming and panning, that basically should be unnecessary.
Exploiting the browser based Internet provides the basis for easily publishing a magazine, that is not deending on a costly publishing apparatus and without the risk of running into the various kinds of censorship, that we have seen happening with apps.